<< BPR Big Gun x BPR QueenStar of QT >>
BIG Q TEE x Gunsparks ++++ Shades of Queen Star x Bearly Crystal
Mögliche Farbvarianten :
18.46% - Bay Dun Tovero
18.46% - Bay Tovero
6.15% - Bay Dun Tobiano
6.15% - Bay Tobiano
6.15% - Black Tovero
6.15% - Grullo Tovero
3.52% - Red (Chestnut/Sorrel) Tovero
3.52% - Red Dun Tovero
2.05% - Bay
2.05% - Bay Dun
2.05% - Bay Dun Frame Overo
2.05% - Bay Dun Frame/Splash
2.05% - Bay Dun Splash
2.05% - Bay Frame Overo
2.05% - Bay Frame/Splash
2.05% - Bay Splash
2.05% - Black Tobiano
2.05% - Grullo Tobiano
1.17% - Red (Chestnut/Sorrel) Tobiano
1.17% - Red Dun Tobiano
0.68% - Black
0.68% - Black Frame Overo
0.68% - Black Frame/Splash
0.68% - Black Splash
0.68% - Grullo
0.68% - Grullo Frame Overo
0.68% - Grullo Frame/Splash
0.68% - Grullo Splash
0.39% - Red (Chestnut/Sorrel)
0.39% - Red (Chestnut/Sorrel) Frame Overo
0.39% - Red (Chestnut/Sorrel) Frame/Splash
0.39% - Red (Chestnut/Sorrel) Splash
0.39% - Red Dun
0.39% - Red Dun Frame Overo
0.39% - Red Dun Frame/Splash
0.39% - Red Dun Splash
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